Monday, 18 July 2011

Aboard the Red Crab Island

There is an inexplicable joy in doing something out of the ordinary. Some exciting unplanned act that is out of routine.

Like going after a bright red crab bare foot!

We met this tiny island on our way back from the Chilka Lake. More of a sand mound which is there when the high tides have receded. A home to innumerable bright red crabs.

We banked the boat nearby. Rolled our cargo till the knees and pushed through thigh high waters to the island. Afraid at first what might be in the water, we soon lost our concerns to the joy in the cool waters.

Our friendly boatman and our guide now pointed to a tiny red crab and started chasing it.

But the crab sensed our intentions and went underground. Then we spotted others and ran around the island like excited children eager to spot and photograph them.

This island was the crab’s turf. It dug through the sand leaving just a hole on top.

So to catch one, our boatman did something scary. He dug through the sand hole and pulled one out with his bare hands. Then he offered us to hold it.

A lot of things went through my mind- it might bite, it could be painful and it can tear my flesh off. The boatman told me that if I know how to hold it in the right manner, the crab’s powerless.

Gathered a li’l courage and held it. It was now a bright red toy in my hands. After a little photography I let it return to its home, unharmed and relieved.

That day was one of the best days one could have in life. That was a day when I let go of those fears that crawl in our brains like tiny red crabs.

All we need to do is get out of boredom, gather a little courage and have some fun.

Note: The images and text are under copyright. Please ask for permission before use.

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