Thursday 14 July 2011

The Best Books to gift Yourself

One of the most beautiful times of my life is spent on lazy afternoons on the XXL bean bag clutching my favourite book.  Add a cup of tea and a few cookies to it and I wouldn’t exchange my place with the Queen of England.

It is on these perfect times, I enjoyed a date with my favourite books.

Daddy Long Legs

Sweet, adventurous and lovely Jerusha Abbott. This is a story of an orphan girl which is just too good. A must read. Written by Jean Webster, a scion of Mark Twain.

Illusions – The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah

Another masterpiece from the master of practical spiritualism. Straightforward, no- nonsense answers to the most difficult questions of your life.
 A memorable quote “Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished.
If you’re alive, it isn’t.”

Think and Grow Rich

Half a century has passed, yet Napoleon Hill’s book  still inspires thousands. This book was written after interviewing many millionaires and richest people alive at that time. Valuable insights galore in here. Earning money is easy folks, not the struggle that you always imagined.

Human Devolution

This is another non fiction here. If you have a really open mind and unquenchable quest to know the truth, try this. Michael Cremo is a researcher on ancient Vedic texts. He tells you how we humans came, the mystery of this universe and a lot more you will love to discover. Brace yourself for enlightening adventure.

Sherlock Holmes
My all time favourite. Conan Doyle’s immortal creation, the classic that still makes readers dream of becoming a detective! He never gets too old for us, does he?

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