Monday, 11 July 2011

Shine that Rainbow

A beautiful rainbow. Arch of heavens , beauty of nature. But it is also a clue, a message from the universe.

Look how.

Research suggests that diseases can be unbelivably psychosomatic in nature. That would mean that the disease is manifested through stress and negative thinking, whether consciously or unconsciously by us and us, alone.

Happily what we can do we can also undo.

The seat of our physical, mental and spiritual health is the chakra. The chakra, in Vedic culture would mean a wheel or alternately, a vortex.

The chakras are the energy centres in our physical body. Any physical pain, discomfort or disease arises when the energy flow into the body is restricted. As a result, the chakra gets misbalanced.

Root Chakra – This is situated at the base of our spine. Seat of personalality and success. Lack of energy, anemia, fatigue and many other ailments are related to this. Colour associated is red.

Sacral Chakra - Situated just below the navel, this governs creativity and sexual energy. Colour orange.

Solar plexus Chakra – Situated at the place as the name suggests. A balanced solar plexus chakra will give you ample confidence and self esteem that makes you look like the shining sun. Colour is yellow.

Heart Chakra- Situated in the middle of the chest, this is chakra helps you love and give unconditionally. Washing away jealousy, envy and violence, a balance heart chakra is the answer to disarmament and world peace. Colour is green.

Throat Chakra- Expression. Communication. With us and the world outside. Lack of energy here could result in sinus, migraine, cough and cold. The colour of the chakra is the colour of the blue sky.

Third eye- Mysticised in mythology, it truly is the point of a tremendous power within you. Makes you complete and powerful. Colour is indigo blue of the rainbow.

Crown Chakra- The point of enlightenment. A complete human, in well alignment with the universe. Knows his body and mind which is at his complete command. Completing the rainbow, its colour is violet.

So the message is - for every bodily or mental issue lies a malnourished chakra. Feed it with positive thoughts. Laugh. Be happy. Live life.

The whole universe wants you to be abundant and joyful no matter how many tears you have shed. Shine that wonderful rainbow inside you.

Note: The images and text are under copyright. Please ask for permission before use.

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